
Courses in Mathematics

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MA 100A Mathematical Foundations
(2 credits - Fall, Spring)

This course utilizes the ALEKS online platform to provide the mathematical skills required for MA 111, 112; CS 111. These skills include gaining fluency with numeric representations, completing number operations, and interpreting data visualizations. Students meet with the instructor for two hours weekly for group instruction, mini-lectures, and individual help sessions. Students will achieve their math placement after passing the course.

MA 100B Mathematical Foundations
(2 credits - Fall, Spring)

This course utilizes the ALEKS online platform to provide the mathematical skills required for MA 150, 151, 165. These skills include gaining fluency with numeric representations, understanding linear equations, and calculating descriptive statistics. Students meet with the instructor for two hours weekly for group instruction, mini-lectures, and individual help sessions. Students will achieve their math placement after passing the course.

MA 100C Mathematical Foundations
(2 credits - Fall, Spring)

This course utilizes the ALEKS online platform to provide the mathematical skills required for CH 141, 161; PH 211, 212. These skills include using ratios and proportions, solving algebraic equations, and using functional thinking. Students meet with the instructor for two hours weekly for group instruction, mini-lectures, and individual help sessions. Students will achieve their math placement after passing the course.

MA 100D Mathematical Foundations
(2 credits - Fall, Spring)

This course utilizes the ALEKS online platform to provide the mathematical skills required for MA 171. These skills include using rational functions, transforming graphs, and understanding trigonometric functions. Students meet with the instructor for two hours weekly for group instruction, mini-lectures, and individual help sessions. Students will achieve their math placement after passing the course.

MA 111 Analyzing Arithmetic for Educators
(3 credits - Fall)

In this course, students will develop concepts and topics in elementary and middle school math. Students will study numeration systems, working with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, integers, percents, and proportions. Students will also explore number theory, estimation and beginning algebra concepts. Effective mathematical pedagogy for children will be modeled, emphasizing the development of patterns and relationships, various instructional techniques, and the view of mathematics as problem solving, communicating, reasoning, and making connections.
Prerequisites: Elementary, middle grades, or mathematics education major; and MA 100A or MA 115 or placement

MA 112 Analyzing Geometry and Statistics for Educators
(3 credits - Spring)

In this course, students will develop concepts and topics in elementary and middle school math. Students will study characteristics of two and three-dimensional shapes, the development of spatial sense, geometry, standard and metric measurement, transformational and coordinate approaches to geometry, data analysis, and probability. Effective mathematical pedagogy for children will be modeled, emphasizing the development of patterns and relationships, the use of various instructional techniques, and the view of mathematics as problem solving, communicating, reasoning, and making connections.
Prerequisites: Elementary, middle grades, or mathematics education major; and MA 100A or MA 115 or placement

MA 115 Mathematics for Society and the Liberal Arts
(3 credits - Fall)

This course is a survey of mathematics and its applications in contemporary society. Topics will vary and are selected from among the following or from other subjects chosen by the instructor: graph theory, descriptive statistics, voting theory and social choice, information coding, symmetry and patterns, game theory, and financial mathematics.

MA 150 Introduction to Data Analytics
(3 credits - Spring)

This course is an introduction to data analytics using real-world contexts. Students will be introduced to data management, data visualization, and regression analysis through case studies, simulations, and various software. The instructor will present concepts within contexts such as digital marketing or customer research.
Prerequisite: MA 100B or MA 115 or placement

MA 151 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
(4 credits - Fall, Spring)

This course provides an introduction to elementary probability and statistics. Students will study descriptive statistics, including measures of central tendency and variability, and use graphs to represent data. Students will explore normal distributions and their applications; probability, including laws of probability and an intuitive introduction to random variables; and inferential statistics, including correlation and regression, sampling distributions, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing (z-tests for means and proportions, t-tests, and the chi-square test). Students will also examine experiment and study design, including sources of bias and techniques for minimizing them. Students will learn to recognize the use and misuse of statistics in society and will investigate ways to guard against common statistical mistakes.
Prerequisite: MA 100B or MA 115 or placement

MA 163 Precalculus
(3 credits - Fall, Spring)

This course is designed to prepare students for calculus. Students will cover the topics of complex numbers and expressions and then polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, rational, and trigonometric functions. Once students successfully complete the course, they will be able to analyze the topics verbally, numerically, graphically, and algebraically. Students will be able to distinguish which functions can model applications and apply them appropriately.
This is a concurrent course offered at local area high schools.
Prerequisite: Consent

MA 165 Introduction to Discrete Mathematics
(3 credits - Fall)

This course is a survey of elementary discrete mathematics and its applications. Students will study topics in the following areas: sets, logic, combinatorics, graph theory, elementary number theory, and recursion. Applications of these topics, especially to computer science, will also be included.
Prerequisite: MA 100B or MA 115 or placement

MA 171 Calculus I
(4 credits - Fall)

This course is the first course of a three-semester calculus sequence. The core of the course is an introduction to differential calculus, including limits, continuity, the derivative, and applications of differentiation. Students will also be introduced to antiderivatives and essential concepts integration, including the fundamental theorem of calculus.
Prerequisite: MA 100D or placement

MA 172 Calculus II
(4 credits - Spring)

This course is the second course of a three-semester calculus sequence. Students will study applications of integration; techniques of integration, including integration by parts and trigonometric substitution; and improper integrals. Students will examine infinite sequences and series, including Taylor series of common functions. Additional topics include further applications of integration, an introduction to differential equations, parametric equations and polar coordinates, and vectors and vector operations.
Prerequisite: MA 171

MA 205 Introduction to Mathematical Proofs
(3 credits - Fall)

This course is an introduction to mathematical proofs and foundational concepts of mathematics. Students will study first-order predicate logic; elementary set theory; types of proofs and proof strategies; methods of formulating and writing proofs; mathematical induction; and applications of proof techniques to problems involving numbers, sets, functions, and relations.
Prerequisite: MA 165 or 171

MA 210 History of Mathematics
(1 credit - Spring Odd Years)

This course is a survey of the history of mathematics around the world from ancient times up to the present. Students will focus on the development of important mathematical ideas and the key figures in that development. Willingness to engage with mathematics will be needed, but no particular mathematical knowledge is required.

MA 273 Calculus III
(4 credits - Fall)

This course is the third course of a three-semester calculus sequence. Students will begin the course by reviewing vectors and vector operations. Students will study plane and space curves and the calculus of vector-valued functions as well as differential calculus of functions of several variables, including limits, continuity, partial derivatives, applications of partial derivatives, and techniques such as Lagrange multipliers. Students will study multiple integration, including integration in rectangular, polar, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates and applications of multiple integrals. Students will also be introduced to vector calculus, including line integrals and Green's theorem. If time permits, students will investigate surface integrals and Gauss's divergence theorem.
Prerequisite: MA 172

MA 295 Practicum in Mathematics
(1 to 3 credits - Fall, Spring)

Students will complete a practicum in some aspect of mathematics designed to give practical, directed experience.
Prerequisite: Consent

MA 311 Linear Algebra
(3 credits - Spring Odd Years)

This course is an introduction to linear algebra. Students will examine linear transformations, matrix algebra, systems of linear equations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, abstract vector spaces and applications of linear algebra.
Prerequisite: MA 172 or 205

MA 321 Number Theory
(3 credits - Spring Even Years)

This course is a survey of elementary number theory and its applications. Students will study primality and divisors, modular arithmetic and the Chinese remainder theorem, continued fractions and Diophantine equations, Fermat's Little Theorem, Euler's phi function, Hensel's lemma, quadratic reciprocity and other essential concepts of number theory. Students will also discuss applications to computer science, including primality testing algorithms and encryption.
Prerequisite: MA 205

MA 351 Geometry
(3 credits - Spring Even Years)

This course is a survey of important concepts and topics in geometry. Students will examine geometry as an axiomatic system, advanced theorems in Euclidean geometry, and the essentials of non-Euclidean geometry and other geometries such as projective geometry. Emphasis is placed on proofs and careful reasoning from axioms.
Prerequisite: MA 165 or 171

MA 371 Differential Equations
(3 credits - Spring Even Years)

This course is an introduction to ordinary differential equations, their solution methods, and their applications. Students will learn solution methods for first-order differential equations, second order linear differential equations, and systems of first-order differential equations. In addition, students will study numerical and power-series solutions, Laplace transforms and their inverse, as well as continuous models and applications.
Prerequisite: MA 172

MA 411 Abstract Algebra
(4 credits - Fall Odd Years)

This course is an introduction to the theory of groups, rings, and fields. Students will study group theory, including permutations, subgroups and Lagrange's theorem, and group homomorphisms and the isomorphism theorems. Students will continue by studying ring theory, including ideals and the ring isomorphism theorems, integral domains, and fields. Students will also explore polynomial rings and the factorization of polynomials as well as applications of abstract algebra to number theory. Time permitting, more advanced topics such as the Sylow theorems or unique factorizations may also be covered.
Prerequisite: MA 205

MA 431 Real Analysis
(4 credits - Fall Even Years)

This course is an introduction to real analysis. Students will learn about real topology, including completeness, compactness, and connectedness. Students will also study convergence of sequences and series, limits of functions, continuity, derivatives and differentiability of functions, and sequences and series of functions.
Prerequisites: MA 172 and 205 (MA 273 recommended)

MA 450 Topics in Mathematics
(3 credits - Offered on Sufficient Demand)

Students will examine a selected topic in the area of mathematics. Potential topics include topology, graph theory, combinatorics, partial differential equations, theory of computation, mathematical logic, and others.
Prerequisite: MA 205

MA 461 Mathematical Modeling
(3 credits - Spring)

This course provides an introduction to the modeling of real-world phenomena using mathematics. Students will explore both discrete and continuous models, with subject matter drawn from the natural sciences, social sciences, and finance, depending on the interest of the instructor and students. Some experience with computer programming is recommended. Students will complete an independent project on a topic of their choosing that lead to an expository paper and presentation.
Prerequisites: MA 311 and 371

MA 471 Probability and Mathematical Statistics
(4 credits - Spring Odd Years)

This course is an introduction to probability, statistical theory, and applied statistics. Students will study basic probability, combinatorics, conditional probability, Bayes' theorem, and distributions of important discrete and continuous random variables. This includes variables' density functions, probability generating functions, and moment generating functions, as well as joint, marginal, and conditional distributions and densities. Students will study how the expected value, variance, and covariance functions of these theoretical distributions lead to mathematical statistics as they study descriptive statistics and distributions of sample statistics. Finally, students will apply statistical techniques to problems in hypothesis testing, parameter estimation, and regression.
Prerequisites: MA 165 and 273

MA 480 Seminar in Mathematics Education
(1 credit - Fall)

This course is a capstone seminar course for mathematics education majors. Students will make connections between their university mathematics courses and the mathematics they are to teach, while also reviewing pedagogical strategies. Throughout the course, students will consider various aspects of mathematics and its place in the world, including mathematical history, philosophy of mathematics, and the intersection of mathematics and the Christian faith.
Prerequisite: MA 411

MA 490 Independent Study
(1 to 4 credits - Fall, Spring)

This course is a supervised study of selected topics in the mathematical sciences at an advanced level.
Prerequisite: Consent

MA 495 Internship in Mathematics
(2 to 4 credits - Fall, Spring)

A field experience in mathematics which provides an opportunity for the student to apply theoretical knowledge in a practical setting. Student maintains close cooperation with the supervisory personnel in the field.
Prerequisite: Consent

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