
Category: Student Success

Alumni, Language & Communication , Student Success

A Content Creator’s Farewell

I have dreaded writing these words for a while, but it’s time: this is my last blog post for HU before I graduate on Saturday. Graduating means moving on to a career, further education, and a bright future, but it also means leaving behind close friends, memories, and my favorite campus job.
Student Success

Break It Down

Converting the abstract school of duties swimming around in your head to a tangible list in your hand can be life changing. You may even realize the former pile of items was only tall but not that dense, appearing to be more than it really is.
Local Favorites, Student Success, Student Life

Be a Walker (literally!)

After my classes and internship, I like to grab my water bottle and walk on the sidewalk that surrounds campus. Students call this sidewalk the Campus Loop. Huntington University has a gorgeous campus, and my favorite season at HU is spring.
Spiritual Life, Student Success, Student Life

An Excuse for Today

Look for anything, even the tiniest excuse, to thank God for today. Even though I despise winter, I must acknowledge the snow looks beautiful, plus once I am used to the cold, spring will feel warmer. I may be tired and unenthusiastic to attend a morning class, but there is something serene about campus at dawn which I would have missed if I slept in.
Admissions Process, Career Opportunities, Student Success

Undecided? HU’s Got You.

Huntington University offers over 70 academic pathways for students to embark on. With so many options, incoming students may feel outside pressure to choose a major without actually wanting to pursue a career in that field. Entering HU as an undecided major can feel scary, but don’t be afraid to enter HU undecided!
Spiritual Life, Student Success

This Time. Right Here, Right Now.

I often assume Esther was completely willing to go before King Xerxes and had no fears at all. However, given the historical context, Esther would have been risking her life and stability to request to speak directly to the king, even though she was the queen. When she voiced her concerns to Mordecai, he reminded her of a fact that is still true today.
Spiritual Life, Student Success, Student Life

Community Is Built at Floor Worship!

It’s a desire we all have, found deep within the human heart: to have a group of people who have your back, a circle of friends who can support, encourage, celebrate, and comfort you. Building community takes vulnerability and sacrifice. On the other side of intentional work, community provides accountability and close friendships
Majors/Programs, Student Success

Who’s Ready for Registration?

With a long list of classes, potential scheduling conflicts, numerous course requirements, internship hours, and clinicals, registering for classes can be overwhelming. Thankfully, as always, Huntington University is here to help you in each stage of life, including registering for next semester!
Career Opportunities, Student Success

Chicken Noodle Soup for the Anxious Senior’s Soul

The recipe for peace is made of ingredients that are available to you at HU, and the best part is this recipe doesn’t have to be for seniors only! After you complete this recipe, share it with someone whom you think could use it.
Spiritual Life, Student Success

The Perks of Floor Worship

Looking back at last year, one of my regrets is that I did not participate much in floor worship. Luckily, I am only a sophomore with plenty of time to make up for what I missed and encourage others to do the same.