Admission Requirements
Welcome to the starting line: Your college search begins here.
No matter where life takes you from this moment, by visiting this webpage, you have reached a pivotal next step. High school is drawing to a close, and college is about to begin. You could send your hard-earned applications and transcript to any school, visit any college’s website.
You chose to visit us — we think that was a smart move.
HUAZ is a great place to develop the tools you need to be a contender in the world of digital media arts. You will feel at home here whether you are from Arizona or across the country, whether you attended public school, private school, or learned at home. If our website, facilities, or postcards have piqued your interest, the next step is to apply for admission!
Along with completing our online application, we only need a couple of documents to get you on your way to an admissions decision. First, if you are planning on joining us as a first-time freshman (translation: you have completed no more than 24 college credit hours), we will need an official copy of your high school transcript. Second, we will need an official copy of your test scores from the ACT or SAT. That’s it!
You can request that a copy of your test scores be sent to us by visiting the ACT and SAT websites directly. If you took the ACT, go to their website and create an account, then send your scores to school code 1202. If you took the SAT, visit their website, create an account, and then send your scores to school code 1304.
If have completed more than 24 credit hours of college credit and are planning on joining us as a transfer student, we only need your official college transcript. You should be able to have the Registrar’s Office at your current college send us a copy.
Once our registrar receives your transcript from your current college, she will complete an official evaluation that will confirm for you what courses at Huntington University will match up with courses you are transferring.
Are you a high school student who wants to take some classes from us before you graduate? In addition to your High School Early Entry (HSEE) application, all we need from you is an official high school transcript and a letter from your guidance counselor giving you permission to take college classes.
Last, but certainly not least, let’s say you want to take a few classes at HUAZ but don’t want to commit to a full degree. Never fear! Your application process is even easier – all we need is your application.
Whether you are a first-time freshman, a transfer student, interested in taking early entry classes, or a non-degree-seeking student, we are looking forward to reviewing your application materials. We hope to see you become a Forester very soon!
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at