Veritas Theology Institute

Huntington University's Veritas Theology Institute is a week-long academy for high school students who are interested in deeper theological study or may be interested in pursuing a career in ministry.

Students spend each morning studying and reflecting on the writings of distinguished theologians in both classroom and small group settings. The afternoons are spent in experiential learning at a variety of ministry sites. These experiences, plus developing close relationships with other like-minded students, help build a strong theological foundation that will be invaluable as these students pursue their calling.

At its core, this is a community of high school scholars committed to Jesus Christ and spiritual growth, which includes the transformation of both heart and mind.

The program contains three key components:

  1. An eight-day, intensive, on-campus institute
  2. An online community that keeps students engaged
  3. Personal mentoring by a spiritual leader in the participant's local church.

Veritas participants who faithfully complete these three components, and plan and lead a ministry project in their home community are eligible for 3 hours of Huntington University college credit.

Is Veritas Theology Institute the right fit for you?

For high school students who are serious about their faith, Huntington University's Veritas Theology Institute is a camp-like experience followed by personal mentoring and supported by an online community for teenagers interested in pursuing a career in ministry.

Why Attend Veritas?

Veritas Theology Institute participants will:

  • Explore Scripture and significant theological texts,
  • Engage in dialogue and reflection with college and seminary professors,
  • Encounter God through worship and service,
  • Experience mentoring relationships through small groups facilitated by Huntington University students and graduates.

Students will be able to jump start their college experience by earning three college credits.

Students will be challenged to respond to these key questions: 

  • Who is Jesus?
  • Who does Jesus say you are?
  • What does Jesus call us to do?

Here's what previous Veritas scholars have said about their experiences:

“After this week there still might be many things that I might not understand about myself but I know that no matter what my feelings are telling me or what people say I think, I know I’m loved by God and I know that I’m reconciled to my original nature through faith. I am God’s and nothing can change that. Now I want to live that truth to bring freedom to others!” 

“Jesus is calling me to help others. The ministry trips that we went on helped me realize that. This impacted me because I never felt like I’ve had a true calling before this.” 

 “The many different kinds of ministries we visited changed my perspective on how and where God can use people. I found that he can use them at all different places, not only in their own lives, but different places on the spectrum of evangelism.”

"Unexpectedly, God has opened my eyes. I'm not surprised by his power to do so; rather, I'm surprised how differently I think. Not only do I feel 100% at peace with my future, (despite not knowing my calling; God does), but also, I feel like I see things about God, the Church and ministry differently. This was my first time at HU, and I love it here. I'm genuinely considering it here!" 

"I think I just needed this week to humble myself before God. It isn’t about me all the time, and my God is a God that deserves to be wholly and genuinely praised. I’m leaving this week with less of an individualistic mindset, and more of one longing for God’s community."

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Partners of Veritas