What Can I Do on the Weekends? HU Volleyball Has an Answer.

Annie Seboe
Get ready for high energy with heart.

Saturday mornings for college students typically involve sleeping in, watching Netflix, or going out to brunch with friends. That is what I usually do, but this year I have decided to become more intentional with attending sporting events. Not only do I want to watch my friends play, but I also want to show my pride for Huntington University athletics. So, to keep myself accountable, I attended a volleyball match this past Saturday, and I can confidently say I will be returning for more. Huntington University’s volleyball program is one that is high energy, enthusiastic, and successful, and they invite their fans to join them in the fun.

Even before I entered the gym for a volleyball match, I could immediately tell which side of the net our team was on because of their volume. HU Volleyball is consistently cheering, talking to each other during play, and celebrating big when they score a point. From a spectator standpoint, this team draws your attention and makes you want to match their energy and be a part of their joy. For head coach Kelsey Herber, crowd participation is a must for a successful match:

“As a team, we prioritize creating a loud gym for each of our practices and matches. Therefore, fans attending our matches and bringing their own enthusiasm and vocal energy directly impacts the floor. All of a sudden, players feel even more confident, energized, and excited about the match.”

After the match was over, with the victory earned by HU, I reflected on my experience. While I loved watching the explosive spikes, powerful blocks, and the way the team communicated with each other, I realized that there was something deeper that I was impressed with. HU Volleyball creates an environment where they and their fans are a part of something bigger. At the end of the match, the Forester players joined hands with the other team and prayed, thanking God for their opportunity to play for Him.

“We recognize that we play this game for a much higher purpose than ourselves. We do it to bring glory to God as an act of worship and a form of ministry.”

I was also deeply impacted by the love that exudes from this team. When an error was made during the match, the players did not blame each other or drop in energy. They came together in a huddle, encouraged each other, and began the next point with newly found focus and determination. When a player would be subbed out, they were greeted with high-fives, hugs, and smiles for their performance. This loving culture is one that Coach Herber, who is entering her fifth year as head coach, is most proud of.

“We love each other deeply and build connections off the court through the process of vulnerability and empathy that then translates to the floor. I watch my girls empower one another to work hard, grow and achieve more than they ever could on their own. I would choose each of them to be on my team any day.”

With their addictive energy, love for one another, and focus on the eternal, HU Volleyball is easy to cheer for. As fellow Foresters, we have a responsibility to create a home court advantage for them through our excitement and participation. For more information about their upcoming matches, check out the team’s 2023 fall schedule. See you at the next home game!

Written by
Annie Seboe