Kent Eilers
Professor of Theology
(260) 359-4230
Joined the Huntington University faculty in 2009.
The Rev. Dr. Kent Eilers is professor of theology and has been at Huntington University since 2009. His undergraduate education was at Calvin College, then he completed graduate studies at Denver Seminary (MDiv) and the University of Aberdeen, Scotland (PhD in systematic theology).
While completing his undergraduate and graduate education he served on the staffs of several churches in Michigan and later in Colorado where he was ordained. Married to his wife since 2000, he and Tammy have two daughters, Hannah and Abigail. They enjoy doing just about anything that gets them outdoors.
Dr. Eilers was raised in an Evangelical Covenant church, and he has since been involved in churches from several other Protestant traditions, such as the United Brethren in Christ (UB), Christian Reformed Church (CRC), various interdenominational churches, and most recently the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA). Dr. Eilers was confirmed in the ACNA in 2017. His theological commitments are evangelical, ecumenical, and eclectic. In 2019, Dr. Eilers was an initial signatory on the contemporary Protestant confession, A Reforming Catholic Confession (reformingcatholicconfession.com).
To view Dr. Eilers' complete list of accomplishments, please see his vita.
Dr. Eilers teaches the following courses:
BR 414 – Systematic Theology I
BR 415 – Systematic Theology II
BR421 – Contemporary Christian Theology
BR341 – The History of Christianity
BR333DOC – The Doctrine of the Christian Life
BR333TB – Theological Bioethics
BR311PET – 1 Peter
BR311COL – Colossians
BR111 – Biblical History and Literature
He has also supervised Independent Studies and Seminars:
- Disability, Christianity, and the Bible
- Christianity and Islam
- Karl Barth’s Doctrine of Reconciliation
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer: His Christology and Ecclesiology
- The Church in Postmodernity: Continuities and Discontinuities
- The Canon of Scripture: Its Development and Rationale
- Gregory of Nyssa’s Theology of Atonement
- Christ and Culture Revisited: Hypster Christianity
- John Calvin’s View of the Eucharist in The Institutes of Christian Religion
- Karl Barth’s Theological Interpretation of John 1
- Beauty and Theological Aesthetics
- Theology of Human Sexuality
- The Doctrine of Creation and the Creative Arts
- Advanced Studies in Theology: Theological Method