Intramural Basketball Registration
1. Each team needs a minimum of 4 players to start a game.
2. No officials your own fouls until we get to the tournament.
3. The first team listed on the schedule will be the home team and is responsible for wearing white.
4. Each game will consist of two 20-minute halves running clock except for the last 2-minutes of the second half. Every non-shooting foul within the last two minutes of the game will result in a 1 & 1. **Player will only get one shot...if he sinks that shot the team will receive automatic 2 points for their team.
5. One time-out per half (use it or lose it).
6. 3-minute overtime for tied games, with clock stopping in the last minute. Every non-shooting foul will result in 1 & 1 in overtime (one shot could get your team 2 points).
This sport is for HU students, faculty, staff, and alumni. Every team must submit a roster and the roster is final after the first game begins.
Finalized schedule will be available online. Round Robin leagues with post season single elimination tournament. In tournament play you may not play at the same day or time as regular season.
Both teams should bring a game ball and then the teams must agree on the ball that will be used. Pinnies may be checked out from Merillat Complex staff prior to your game.
All games will be held in the Merillat Complex.
If a team does not have the minimum amount of players at game time, that team will forfeit. No reschedules will be permitted in this sport. If a team cannot make a game, they may call Russ Lawson, Coordinator of Recreational Programming, at 260-359-4289 at least 24 hours in advance of the game and request a default. A default results in a loss, but is not considered a forfeit.
Questions? Contact Russ Lawson at