Slow Pitch Softball
Registration Begins:
Team Entry Deadline:
Captain Meeting:
Tournament Dates:
Rain Dates:
1. Double elimination garunteed 2 games
2. Games are 6 innings or 30 minute time max (an inning will not begin after the 30 minutes)
3. Maximum size of roster is 12, will play with 10 on the field, everyone hits
4. Must have 2 girls in field at all times
5. Minimum roster size is 10, if less then 10 then there is an automatic out when the missing player's spot comes up in the order
6. All batters begin with a 1ball and 1 strike count; once the batter has 2 strikes he will be allowed one foul ball, the second foul he is out
7. 3 home runs per team/game, any home run after that will be an out
8. Entire roster hits the duration of the game
This sport is for HU students, faculty, staff, and alumni. Every team must submit a roster and the roster is final after the first game begins.
Schedules will be handed out at captain's meeting.
Bats and softballs will be provided. Bring your own gloves.
All games will be held in the Merillat Complex softball field.
Got questions? Contact Russ Lawson at