Bergler’s new book in Blogs
FOR RELEASE: Monday, June 11, 2012
Dr. Tom Bergler's new book, "The Juvenilization of American Christianity," has been reviewed in blogs by Walt Mueller, Scot McKnight and others. Mark Galli, an editor at Christianity Today, called it "the buzz book of 2012." Dr. Bergler wrote a cover story based on the book that appeared in the June issue of Christianity Today along with responses to the book by John Ortberg, David Kinnaman and David Zahl. Dr. Bergler, professor of ministry and missions, was interviewed about his book on several radio programs: "The Janet Mefferd Show" (janetmefferd. com), the Pilgrim Radio Network( and by Michael Horton for "The White Horse Inn" ( He will also be interviewed on the Moody Radio program, Chris Fabry Live at 3:10 p.m. July 17 (