Best Schools ranks HU third in nation for sports ministry
FOR RELEASE: Thursday, September 12, 2013
HUNTINGTON, Ind. Huntington University is ranked third in the country for its degree in recreation and sports ministry due to its unique PRIME program. The Best Schools, a national education blog, released the rankings. HU was highlighted for its seven-month Practical Research and Immersion for Ministry Effectiveness (PRIME) program. PRIME provides students the opportunity to have a full-time, off-campus ministry experience during their senior year whether that is overseas, a small town church or an inner city community program.
Matt Gerlach, a 2007 recreation management and sports ministry alum, grew in his skills during his PRIME experience and is now serving in Panama City, Fla., as the minister of recreation at the First United Methodist Church.
"At Huntington University, my professors always focused on how to be a light in whatever field you were heading into," Gerlach said, "whether it was into the ministry or into the recreation field."
The recreation and sports ministry major at HU is designed to integrate biblical truth, evangelical theology, psychology, foundations of individual and group leadership, administration and programming in a recreational setting and the opportunity for service learning.
For the rankings, visit