Fees Waived

For fall 2020, Huntington University is waiving the fees associated with dual credit courses. HU’s concurrent credit courses are university-level college credit classes offered to students enrolled in certain high school courses taught at the high school by university-approved instructors. Credits earned count toward high school graduation, but students also receive credit for the university-level course.
“Huntington University knows that many are experiencing financial challenge due to COVID-19,” said Susanne Watson, director of undergraduate admissions at Huntington University. “We wanted eligible Huntington North High School students to receive college credit for their college-level coursework, regardless of their family circumstances. We felt that waiving our dual credit fees this semester is a good way we could give back to our community and collaborate with Huntington County Community Schools.”
Dual credit courses for the fall of 2020 include:
HNHS Course Term Huntington University Course
Human & Socl Services IA Fall PY 107 Human & Social Services IA
Human & Socl Services IIA Fall PY 109 Human & Social Services IIA
Radio & TV IA Fall DM 196MRADI Media Overview: Radio I
Speech Fall CO 215 Public Speaking