Francis ministers to women following crisis situations

Huntington, Ind.-Huntington University senior Andrea Francis is experiencing a new way of life as she switches roles from being a college student to being a PRIME intern in Nashville, Tenn.

PRIME, or Practical Research and Immersion through Ministry Effectiveness, is a seven-month internship experience Huntington University ministry and missions majors complete during their senior year of college.

Francis is completing her PRIME experience at The Next Door, a non-profit organization that serves as a transitional home for women who have had addictions or who have come out of crisis situations.

"My role here has been really neat," said Francis, an educational ministries major from Peru, Ind. "I have led Bible studies for women and children."

Besides leading Bible studies, Francis is in charge of running a program called Learn to Earn. The program is set up like a shop and is full of donated items that the women can earn. The store is open every other Tuesday, and the women can earn points through group and program participation to buy common necessities and household items.

Francis also coordinates and teaches a self-esteem class called ART, or Attitude Realness Truth one Saturday a month.

"It is geared toward teaching and encouraging confidence and self-esteem," said Francis.

While Francis gives and impacts the women at the organization, she, too, is being impacted by her experiences there.

"Being at this organization has been such a blessing," said Francis. "The skills that I have gained here so far have allowed me to see more of the passion I have to help women in crisis situations."

Francis said she would consider working at The Next Door or a similar organization after graduation. She would like her work to involve encouraging and teaching women confidence in Christ and in themselves.

"I don't know where this internship will lead me," said Francis, "but I know that everything I have experienced will make an impact on what God has for me in the future."