Hasker answers ‘three-in-oneness’ of Trinity in new book
FOR RELEASE: Thursday, January 3, 2013

Hasker's book contains an analysis of the doctrine surrounding the Trinity from a philosophical and theological standpoint. Hasker describes it in his introduction as a "three-in-oneness problem," asking the questions, "Is this something we can understand? Is it something we can express without contradiction? Is it really possible that the doctrine is true?"
The book will be published by Oxford University Press in their series, "Oxford Studies in Analytic Theology" later this year. It will be released in England in August and the U.S. in October.
Hasker received his Ph.D. in theology and philosophy of religion from The University of Edinburgh. He has published numerous works; including "The Triumph of God Over Evil," "Providence, Evil, and the Openness of God," "The Emergent Self," "Reason and Religious Belief: an Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion" and "God, Time, and Knowledge." His articles have appeared in the Supplementary Volume to the Encyclopedia of Philosophy, in the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy and in the Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy.
He also served as the president of the Society for Philosophy of Religion in 2005 as well as the editor of the journal Faith and Philosophy from 2000 until 2007.