Hope Alive project continues research
FOR RELEASE: Monday, May 27, 2013
HUNTINGTON, Ind. Research is still being collected by a program evaluation method set in place by 2010 Huntington University graduate students.Students in the Huntington University graduate counseling program conducted research for the residential program, Hope Alive. The assignment, given by Dr. Michael Cook, associate professor of counseling, required students to chose a research tool that would best assess the Fort Wayne, Ind. residential program's effectiveness.
Fifteen graduate students participated in this study, mainly composed of Cook's research methods class in 2010.
"As of now the program evaluation is still in process," Cook said. "The estimate is that it will take approximately two years to collected enough data from enough participants to be able to analyze it."
The process has yet to reach the halfway mark.
"We are about eight months into that two years," Cook said.
Students used various tools to access the program such as the Hope Scale, the Symptom Checklist, the Perceived Social Support Scale and the Attachment to God Scale.
"This research helped the students to see that research can address real-world problems and it helped them to synthesize most of the elements involved in conducting research," Cook said.
Cook meets with Hope Alive's leadership on a regular basis to see how the ongoing process is progressing.
Hope Alive is a counseling center and group home for women with various mental health issues. The organization gives them a place to stay, life coaching and counseling, group activities and opportunities to grow spiritually.