HU nursing and education students travel to Bahamas
FOR RELEASE: Sunday, January 9, 2011
Huntington University nursing and education students are on a cross-cultural encounter to the Bahamas this week to volunteer in a nation of need, but to also learn from the experiences.This trip is a part of an interdepartmental January Term course at HU called "Cross-Cultural Encounter in the Bahamas." The first week of class was spent on campus where students learned about the Bahamian and Haitian people who will be the recipients of their service while in Nassau, Bahamas. Cultural and behavioral expectations were also covered in class as well as the preparation of medical and evangelical materials. They also practiced sharing personal faith stories.
The second part of the experience is taking place in the Bahamas this week. Nursing students will conduct medical assessments and provide medical care under the supervision of Dr. Margaret Winter, director of the nursing program at HU, and a local physician. This will provide nursing candidates with the training of practical skills while providing much needed care to relocated refugees and other people in poverty. Education and students from other departments (supervised by Dr. Susie Burson, assistant professor of education at HU) will serve as volunteers in a local school setting. They will work alongside classroom teachers to provide tutoring, supervision and a number of other services to support the classroom teacher. Both groups will work together to provide an evening VBS (Vacation Bible School) carnival for children in the community.
You may follow the team at their blog: