HU ranked as a best value for Christian universities

Christian Universities Online (CUO) has ranked Huntington University the 13th Best Value out of the top 50 Christian colleges and universities in the United States for 2017.
In the past, CUO has published the “Most Affordable” Christian Colleges and Universities taking the net price into primary consideration. The “Best Value” ranking takes additional criteria into account – return on investment – among Christian Colleges and Universities. The cost of a degree is steadily increasing, and while overall net price is not insignificant, a better tool may be overall net value when considering higher education on a budget.
“This is not Huntington’s first ranking as a ‘best value.’ In the past we have been ranked by U.S. News & World Report, College Values Online, and Best Choice Schools for our online and graduate programs,” said Daniel Solms, Vice President for Enrollment Management & Marketing. “Our faculty and staff make it a goal each day to work hard in providing students with the best education at the best price.”