HU senior receives illustration scholarship
FOR RELEASE: Wednesday, May 18, 2011
HUNTINGTON, Ind.- Sarah Krzynowek, a senior animation student at Huntington University, has been awarded the Student Illustrator Scholarship to attend the 2011 Summer Conference hosted by the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. Krzynowek, a native of New Hartford, Conn., was one of only three to receive this scholarship. The scholarship will provide admission to all conference events including keynotes and breakout sessions, entry in the Juried Portfolio Showcase, attendance to the illustration master class, an individual portfolio consultation with an illustrator or art director and one year's society membership dues. The SCBWI is the biggest children's book illustrator and writer professional organization in the world.
"It's unheard of for a small liberal arts college student to receive this scholarship over an illustration major at an arts school. This is a big deal for the university," said Bryan Ballinger, associate professor of digital media arts at HU.
Krzynowek is the first student from Huntington University to receive this honor.
"I'm excited," she said. "It wasn't expected, but I'm very happy it's happening."
The conference will take place in Los Angeles on Aug. 5-8.
For more information about SCBWI, visit