Huntington University continues its summer discount for students
FOR RELEASE: Monday, December 19, 2011
HUNTINGTON, Ind. Huntington University continues to help its students in a tough economy with discounts on summer tuition. For the second year in a row, HU will offer a 50 percent discount to its students on traditional undergraduate summer courses for 2012 as compared to regular semester-long classes. These on-campus and online courses help students complete core curriculum and major classes during the summer months which frees up their schedules in the fall and spring semesters. Huntington is also expanding its summer offerings this year as well as adding additional major and core curriculum classes during the January term for 2013.
"Huntington University has been discounting its summer classes for a number of years, but the online component allows us to offer a greater variety of courses and an increased discount to our students as well as allowing high school students to get a jumpstart on their education," said Jeff Berggren, senior vice president for enrollment management and marketing. "This discount is just one of the many ways that we are helping students with affordability."
Huntington University strives to make a student's education affordable. The loan repayment program assists students with their loan payments after graduation based on their incomes. The Questa Foundation for Education offers qualified students up to 50 percent off their Questa Scholars loan if they graduate from college with a 2.75 GPA and choose to live and work in northeast Indiana for at least five years after graduation. Huntington then adds an additional 25 percent for HU students.
Each year, through institutional merit- and need-based scholarships and grants, the university is helping students cut the cost of their education on average by a third of the sticker price.