Huntington University named to ‘2013 Top Colleges’ by Forbes
FOR RELEASE: Tuesday, July 23, 2013
HUNTINGTON, Ind. For the sixth year in a row, Huntington University has been listed among the "Top Colleges" in the country by Forbes. Out of the 650 schools ranked, HU was the only institution listed from the greater Fort Wayne area. The rankings are based on five general categories: post-graduate success (which evaluates alumni pay and prominence); student satisfaction (which includes professor evaluations and freshman to sophomore year retention rates); student debt (which penalizes schools for high student debt loads and default rates); graduation rate; and nationally competitive awards (which rewards schools whose students win prestigious scholarships and fellowships like the Rhodes, the Marshall and the Fulbright or go on to earn a Ph.D). The rankings are compiled for Forbes by the Washington, D.C.-based Center for College Affordability and Productivity.
The rankings are available online at
Huntington consistently ranks as one of the top schools in the Midwest in national surveys. On its 2013 list, U.S. News & World Report ranked Huntington third among Indiana's elite colleges and 13th among all Midwest colleges. The Princeton Review also has named Huntington a "Best Midwestern College."