HU’s Doughty published in Inside Higher Ed

On May 31, Dr. Del Doughty, associate dean for academic affairs / professor of English, had his article Pedestrian Pedagogy published in Inside Higher Ed. The article focuses on student success, and Doughty wrote about a technique he uses that steers away from data analytics and ed-tech solutions.
“Back in the day—I mean, back in the days of Socrates and his followers—teachers and students walked and talked side-by-side. Inspired by that, I began walking with students a few semesters ago and realized that even in 2016, or especially in 2016, it was still an effective practice,” stated Doughty. “My article focuses on revisiting a genuine and traditional way educators used to connect with students prior to the advent of technology.”
Doughty, who has been with Huntington University for 20 years, teaches courses in creative writing and world literature, and has published a few collections of poetry. He regularly serves on the literature review panel for the Indiana Arts Commission.
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