HU’s Friesen Center awards two servant leaders
FOR RELEASE: Thursday, May 1, 2014
HUNTINGTON, Ind. On May 1, the Friesen Center for Volunteer Service named the winners Huntington University Servant Leadership Awards. The winners were Emily Carbaugh, a biology pre-med major from Orbisonia, Pa., and Abby Goering, a social work major from Carol Stream, Ill. Each winner will receive a $750 scholarship and $250 to gift to a charity of their choice.
The purpose of the award is to promote the ideals of servant leadership in the Huntington University community, both on and off campus.
Only juniors with a 2.5 GPA average can receive the award, and first must be nominated by a community member.
Carbaugh received her nomination from Hannah Chupp, the Miller-Meadows halls resident director. Goering received her nominations from Danielle Shafer, the Hardy hall resident director, and Dr. Carla MacDonald, assistant professor of social work and the social work department director.
The awards are given to honor the hard work both students put forward in working to serve the township of Huntington, their fellow students and their churches.