Indiana Private College Week proclaimed by the Governor’s Office
FOR RELEASE: Monday, July 15, 2013
INDIANAPOLIS It's official! The Office of the Governor has proclaimed July 22-26, 2013, as Indiana Private College Week. All 31 private, nonprofit colleges and universities across the state, including Huntington University, are opening their doors to prospective students and their families. During the visit, students will be able to tour HU and get a sense of their futue as a Forester. Register for a visit at Huntington University at
The signed proclamation cites the productivity of Indiana's independent sector of higher education�. ICI campuses enroll 20 percent of the state's undergraduates and annually produce 35 percent of all bachelor's degrees in Indiana. The majority of ICI students graduate within four years and begin to contribute immediately to Indiana's economy. Also cited is the distinctive role that the 31 campuses play in the educational and cultural advancement of Indiana. ICI graduates make invaluable contributions to communities throughout the state.
A complete list of participating campuses, as well as their event schedules, is available at Tours and informational sessions will be offered.
Visitors between the ages of 16 and 20 touring one or more ICI campuses during Private College Week will have the chance to enter a drawing for one of three Amazon Kindles. Entry forms and rules will be available at each campus.
Independent Colleges of Indiana, Inc. (ICI) is a nonprofit association that represents the state's 31 private nonprofit colleges and universities. ICI member institutions enroll some 90,000 students (approximately 20 percent of all students statewide) and annually produce 35 percent of all bachelor's degrees in Indiana. For more information: