Leeper and Students send Animation Film to Film Festival
FOR RELEASE: Wednesday, September 7, 2011
"The Minstrel and the Duck," a four-minute, stop-motion animation film created by Prof. Stephen Leeper, associate professor of digital media arts, along with students in the animation production studio class is off to South Africa to show at this year's Moving Things Film Festival. The film will be shown as part of the "Short Films for Everyone" screening. The project, directed by Leeper and HU alum Luke Nimtze (2009 animation), began back in 2007 when Leeper and nine other students came up with the concept and plot of the story. Over the past four years, 25 students enrolled in the animation production studio class have taken on various roles and tasks to see the project through to completion. "The Minstrel and the Duck" was also recently selected for the 8th Annual Animation Block Party 2011 festival in Brooklyn, N.Y.