Michelson presents a paper at Conference
FOR RELEASE: Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Dr. Paul Michelson, distinguished professor of history, presented a paper on "The Development of J. R. R. Tolkien's Ideas On Fairy-stories" at the 8th Francis White Ewbank Colloquium/C. S. Lewis and Inklings Society Annual Conference, May 31-June 2, at Taylor University. The paper will be published in Inklings Forever, Vol. 8. He then spent three weeks in Romania, where he participated in the 6th International Congress on Romanian Studies, July 2-4, where he gave a paper on "Romanian Historiography and Europe prior to World War I," participated in roundtables on "The Past, Present, and Future of the Society for Romanian Studies," and "American-Romanian Academic Exchanges." He was the chair/discussant for a panel on "Normal and Abnormal Politics in Peace and War," and spoke at the opening plenary of the congress as the past-president of the Society for Romanian Studies. He also gave a lecture at the Xenopol Institute of History in Iasi, Romania, on June 26, on "Romanian Studies in the United States."