Michelson presents at the Fall 2012 National Convention
FOR RELEASE: Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Dr. Paul E. Michelson, distinguished professor of history, presented a paper for a panel dealing with "Conducting Archival Research in Bulgaria and Romania, and Related Resources in Washington, D.C." at the Fall 2012 National Convention of the Association for the Advancement of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies in New Orleans LA. (Michelson is a member of the editorial board of two journals published by the Romanian National Archives, Revista Arhivelor and Arhiva Moldaviae.) He has published a number of articles recently, including "Alexandru Dutu, Scholar and Colleague: Some Reminiscences, 1971-1999," in Laurenţiu Vlad, ed., La Dimension humaine de l'histoire. L'Héritage intellectuel de Alexandru Duţu (Iași: Institutul European, 2012), pp. 195-212; "The Development of J. R. R. Tolkien's Ideas on Fairy-stories," in Inklings Forever, Vol. 8 (2012), pp. 115-127; and "Nicolae Iorga and Europe, 1890-1916," Radu G. Paun and Ovidiu Cristea, eds., Istoria: Utopie, Amintire, și Proiect de Viitor. Studii de istorie oferite Profesorului Andrei Pippidi la împlinirea a 65 de ani (Iași: Editura Universității Alexandru Ioan Cuza, 2013), pp. 437-450. In addition, he published a "Foreword," to Marina Giurescu, A World Torn Asunder: The Life and Triumph of Constantin C. Giurescu (Bettie Youngs Books, 2013), pp. ix-xi; and a "Foreword: Gheorghe I. Florescu, Eseist," in: Gheorghe I. Florescu, Naufragiile întrebării. Oameni și cărți (Iași: Convorbiri Literare, 2010), pp. 7-9. Michelson has also had a number of papers accepted for publication including: "Ion Nistor and Basarabia, 1917-1918," to appear in Gh. Cliveti, ed, Basarabia 1812-2012 (Iași: Editura Universității Alexandru Ioan Cuza, 2013); and "1,800 Days: The Romanian National Archives, 2007-2012." in Ovidiu Pecican, ed., România post-comunistă: Istorie și istoriografie (to appear in Romania in 2013).