Troyer presents at a Taylor University seminar
FOR RELEASE: Sunday, October 20, 2013
On Sept. 23, Dr. Tim Troyer, assistant professor of chemistry, travelled to Taylor University to present a seminar titled "The Direct Reductive Amination of unprotected α-amino acids." This seminar represented the culmination of research conducted during the summer with seniors Stacie Cressman and Stephanie Weigold. The research was funded by the Ferne and Audry Hammel Endowment. Taylor hosts a seminar series each fall and this year's theme is local research. Troyer's research focuses on the efficient and affordable synthesis on novel molecules that could be incorporated in to novel developmental medicines. These molecules would allow the pharmaceutical industry to explore new kinds of medicines that cannot be considered currently. Through the project, the students gained valuable experience in conducting experiments, purifying products and analyzing products. "This experience will serve Stephanie and Stacie well in their future endeavors," Troyer said. The students are expected to present this research at the Indiana Academy of the Sciences in the spring.