Formal Complaint

If you are a student or individual who disagrees with the outcome of your academic grievance, you may file a formal complaint with a Vice President of the University, provided you meet the following criteria. All formal complaints must be submitted in writing within 90 days of the incident that led to the grievance, and they must ...

  • State the nature of the complaint and the remedy being sought
  • Give information about any previous attempts to resolve the issue
  • Be submitted to a Vice President of Huntington University
  • Not able or required to be addressed through another grievance process (i.e. Title IX)
  • Be signed by the student (not anonymous)

A qualified administrator will assess whether the complaint meets the criteria mentioned above. If so, the University administrator or designated administrators will review the matter and determine if further investigation or interviews are necessary. A final written determination, including any proposed resolution, will be sent to the student within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the complaint.

If a formal complaint meets the above criteria and is deemed of sufficient substance it will be tracked by the University. The date, nature of the complaint, student making the complaint, and steps taken to resolve the complaint will be tracked.

The University will keep a complete record of tracked complaints and annually review complaints to identify patterns in types of complaints and their resolution. The review will also include an assessment of improvements that the University can make in response to information identified through this process.