Chicken Noodle Soup for the Anxious Senior’s Soul

Annie Seboe
Take a deep breath.

If you clicked on this blog post because you thought you were finding a new soup recipe, I hope you aren’t disappointed. But if you are a Huntington University senior who is nervous, confused, or scared about what life looks like after April 27, 2024, here’s a recipe for you and me. Take a deep breath, lean in, and let’s gather these ingredients together for true peace for our anxious souls.


1 cup of resources

This ingredient is often forgotten in the busyness of graduation and the stress of job hunting. However, HU wants to equip, empower, and guide its seniors into career paths they will love. The Office of Career Services offers helpful instruction to HU seniors about job search techniques, career counseling, and graduate school information.

For me, I can get overwhelmed very easily when I think about all that the future holds. Talking about my goals, plans, and uncertainties with someone who is trained in the field of career services has helped me tremendously. For more information, contact Dean of Student Services Martha Smith at or check out the various resources and links concerning career information that the Office of Career Services provides.

A dash of connections

One of the lies we might believe during this season of life is that we are all alone and must do everything by ourselves. This is not true! We all have people rooting for us, and we have several connections that we may be completely unaware of for potential career opportunities. One of my professors has always said that the biggest mistake graduates make is not asking successful people in their life how they became successful. If you admire someone in the field you want to begin working in, ask them the specific steps they took to get where they are.

HU provides several internship and practicum opportunities for this very reason. To learn more about internships, practicums, and other ways you can take a step into the career you want, visit the Friesen Center for Service and Experiential Learning. There, you can learn more about their Experiential Learning Opportunities and Student Internships.

Fill the rest with hope

Throughout the entire process of graduating and finding a job, we tend to depend solely on ourselves for provision and security and forget where our hope lies. However, the recipe for peace will not work without this key ingredient! We can be as prepared and ready as we want for a career, but if we are not placing our hope in God, we will often fall short and become frustrated with our efforts. In John 10:10, Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” God wants to give us an abundant life that is beyond our wildest imaginations. So, as we prepare for the future, let’s boldly ask God to do what He has always done: provide, protect, and guide.

The recipe for peace is made of ingredients that are available to you at HU, and the best part is this recipe doesn’t have to be for seniors only! As Foresters, we are always surrounded by community, connections, and Christ. If you have additional questions about your next steps, check out the Office of Career Services. After you complete this recipe, share it with someone whom you think could use it!

Written by
Annie Seboe