Alpha Chi students present papers, win scholarships at National Convention

A tradition of excellence in academics and service continues in HU’s Alpha Chi chapter
HUNTINGTON, Ind. — At the Alpha Chi National Convention in Birmingham, Alabama, in April, Huntington University’s Alpha Chi National College Honor Society students and faculty sponsors received regional and national recognition for their scholarship and service, continuing the longstanding tradition of excellence that characterizes Huntington University’s Alpha Chi chapter, Indiana Beta.
Rebecca Luckey, a history, political science, international and development studies, and history education major, won an Alpha Chi national scholarship as well as a regional scholarship for her paper "Was America’s involvement with Vietnam a ‘noble cause’ (Ronald Reagan) or ‘moral and intellectual poverty’ (Jimmy Carter)?"
Class of 2024 biology major and 2023-2024 Indiana Beta chapter president, Mica Allen, presented a paper on fungi effects on treated and untreated soybean seeds and led a chapter strengthening session on service projects.
Dr. Tanner Babb, associate professor of psychology and associate academic dean at Huntington University, led several meetings at the Convention as Alpha Chi regional president for Region V, and Dr. Ruth Nalliah, professor of chemistry and Alpha Chi faculty sponsor, received an Alpha Chi 2024 Distinguished Service Award from Region V for service as chapter sponsor.
“It is always a joy to see our students’ work acknowledged and rewarded on the national level,” said Nalliah. “Huntington University students consistently do very well in receiving both regional and national recognition for their academic work and engagement.”
Election to Alpha Chi is the highest academic honor at Huntington University.