Bergdall Endowed Lectureship Presents Revelation and Rome

The Bible and Religion Department at Huntington University will host the 2019 Bergdall Endowed Lectureship on Biblical Studies on Tuesday, March 26, at 7:00 p.m. in the Merillat Centre for the Arts’ Zurcher Auditorium.
This year’s featured speaker will be Dr. David A. deSilva, trustees' distinguished professor of New Testament and Greek at Ashland Theological Seminary, who will present a lecture entitled "Revelation and the Gospel of Rome: Empires in Conflict."
“DeSilva's lecture is particularly relevant today as Christians are confronted with the political and social dynamics that are playing in the contemporary world,” said Dr. Mark Fairchild, professor of Bible and religion at Huntington University. “DeSilva looks at how the earliest Christians interacted with forces beyond their control as the Roman Empire imposed their will upon the Mediterranean world.”
The author of over 25 books, deSilva is an ordained elder in the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church. In addition to publishing works on New Testament content and culture, he has been involved in several major Bible translation projects. He served as the Apocrypha editor for the Common English Bible and also helped revise the Apocrypha for the English Standard Version.
“As an evangelical Christian liberal arts university,” said Fairchild, “Huntington University and the Bergdall Endowed Lectureship has from its inception brought to campus several of the world's top scholars who have made significant contributions to our understanding of the Scriptures and the biblical world through their research and discoveries.”
The Bergdall Endowed Lectureship on Biblical Studies is free and open to the public.