Brady, Smitley join PACE at Huntington University
FOR RELEASE: Wednesday, October 16, 2013
HUNTINGTON, Ind. The Huntington University President's Advisory Council on Excellence (PACE) welcomed two new members to the council this year. Cindy Brady, student services coordinator for the Wawasee Community School Corporation, and Greg Smitley, a 1980 alum and president/CEO of the Better Business Bureau of Northern Indiana, appointed by President Sherilyn Emberton to serve along with the 21 other members on PACE. They began their terms this fall.The council meets twice a year to lend review and opportunity in response to the university as needed.
PACE has been established at HU to assist in the pursuit of excellence in every phase of the university's operation. PACE membership includes men and women who exemplify excellence professionally, personally and spiritually, including parents, alumni, community leaders and others committed to the mission of the university.