HU gains visiting professor in chemistry, biology
FOR RELEASE: Thursday, September 20, 2012

Ragatz earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in chemistry from the University of Indianapolis and Master of Science degree and a PhD in biochemistry from the IU Medical School. He also taught and did research at the IU School of Medicine campuses in Indianapolis, Muncie, Gary and Fort Wayne.
Ragatz is a member of the American Chemical Society and was previously active in the American Association for Clinical Chemistry, National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry and the Biochemical Society. He has authored several papers on clinical chemistry, biochemical education and thrombosis research.
At Huntington, Ragatz will teach January Term courses, direct independent studies and seek external funding to develop an undergraduate thrombosis research laboratory.
"I'm delighted that Barth will be joining the HU faculty this year," said Dr. Del Doughty, interim senior vice president for academic affairs. "He is truly a gentleman and a scholar. You get that impression upon meeting him and hearing him talk about his research, and the impression only strengthens over time. The man exudes gravitas, kindness and perspicacity in quantities that are rare even among academics."