HU nursing program receives 10-year accreditation

Huntington University has announced that its nursing program received its 10-year accreditation from the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE).
“Receiving a 10-year accreditation from the CCNE signifies the rigor and integrity of the nursing program at Huntington University. The formal onsite visit occurred in November 2015 and reviewed the program’s curriculum, completion rates, licensure pass rates and employment rates. Interviews conducted with administration, faculty, students and community agencies provided insight into the quality of and support for our pre-licensure BSN program. Nursing continues to be the largest sector in health care and the continued accreditation will ensure Huntington University will be a part of providing outstanding graduates for years to come,” stated Dr. Margaret Winter, director of nursing and associate professor of nursing.
Accreditation by CCNE affords universities the opportunity to create an environment of efficient educational preparation and life-long learning for the nursing profession. Being an accredited program benefits both graduates and future students by providing the most effective base for advanced nursing education. For more information on the CCNE accreditation, visit
“Huntington University has one of the top nursing programs in the region and we believe this has been validated by CCNE accreditation. The nursing faculty and staff work hard to ensure this is a premier nursing program for our students and we graduate the best trained nurses possible,” stated Dr. Diana Shenefield, assistant professor of nursing.
Huntington University’s nursing department received an initial five-year accreditation in 2010, this is the program’s first 10-year accreditation. Since graduating its first class in 2011, the nursing program has conferred 91 Bachelor of Science degrees to nurses who now are working worldwide.