HU senior takes Best of Show at 23rd Annual Juried Art Exhibit
FOR RELEASE: Thursday, April 11, 2013
HUNTINGTON, Ind. Huntington University senior Joel Dirnberger took Best of Show at the 23rd Annual Juried Student Art Exhibit. The show was on display from March 21 to April 9 in the Robert E. Wilson Gallery on campus. The show is a juried exhibit of works created by Huntington University visual art students during the academic year. It featured a variety of media on display including paintings, sculpture, ceramics, drawings, computer illustration and photography. The guest juror for the exhibit was Stephen Batzka, a retired visual arts professor from Manchester University.
The RichLyn Library Purchase Award is a piece chosen by the library to become part of its permanent collection. The Robert E. Wilson Purchase Award is chosen by the art faculty to become part of the gallery's permanent collection.
The students recognized and their pieces are:
Best of Show: Joel Dirnberger, a senior graphic design major from Minneapolis, Minn., for his piece "Untitled."
First place: Dominick Corsoe, a senior graphic design major from Williamstown, N.J., for his piece "Unique."
Second place: Catherine Rinchak, a junior graphic design major from Chesterton, Ind., for her piece "Figure Study."
Third place: Juan Lopez, a senior graphic design major from Fort Wayne, Ind., for his piece "Cat and Mouse."
RichLyn Library Purchase Award: Corsoe for his piece "Courage."
Robert E. Wilson Purchase Award: Sherayah Steiner, a senior graphic design major from Roann, Ind., for her piece "Camouflage."
Outstanding Achievement Awards:
2D Design: Anne Aroune, a sophomore art education major from Rochester, Ind., for her piece "Self Portrait, Warhol Style."
3D Design: Paul Monroe, a junior art education and English education major from Travis Air Force Base in California, for his piece "Stranger Face."
Figure Drawing: Catherine Rinchak for her piece "Twenty Minute Figure Study."
Painting: Lindsey Burson, a junior studio art major from Roanoke, Ind., for her piece "Wanderlust #2."
Painting: Trevor Bortz, a junior art education major from Clarks Mills, Pa., for his piece "Nonobjective 1."
Drawing: Evie Clapp, a sophomore graphic design major from Westfield, Ind., for her piece "Jars."
Photography: Anne Aroune for her piece "Acorns."
Photography: Victoria Cohagan, a senior art education major from Bourbonnais, Ill., for her piece "Texture."
Photography: Lydia Steciuch, a sophomore graphic design major from Chesterton, Ind., for her piece "Converse."
Photography: Raquel Martinez, a senior graphic design major from Miami, Fla., for her piece "Life and Death Series."
Photography: Catherine Rinchak for her piece "Cluster."
Photography: Andy Simmons, a senior graphic design and computer science major from Butler, Ind., for his piece "Chess Pieces."
Photography: Sherayah Steiner for her piece "Intense Green."
Illustration: Sarah Stine, a senior art education major from Huntington, Ind., for her piece "Depths of My Heart."
Sculpture: Sherayah Steiner for her piece "Camouflage."
Ceramics: Paul Monroe for his piece "Stripes."
Ceramics: Trevor Bortz for his piece "Sake for Three."
The Wilson Gallery is open weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., before and after all Merillat Centre for the Arts performances and by appointment. The gallery is free and open to the public.