Huntington University students, faculty to present at math conference
FOR RELEASE: Wednesday, March 21, 2012
HUNTINGTON, Ind. Two Huntington University students and two faculty members will make presentations at the spring meeting of the Indiana section of the Mathematical Association of America at Ball State University on March 24.
The speakers are:
- Zachary Keller, a senior math education major from Portland, Ind., will give a presentation titled "The Four Color Theorem."
- Megan Verhasselt, a senior math education major from Bartlett, Ill., will give a presentation titled "A More Powerful Construction."
- Dr. Matthew Wright, assistant professor of mathematics, will give a presentation titled "Euler Integration and Applications."
- Dr. Yu Yan, assistant professor of mathematics, will give a presentation titled "A Unique Continuation Approach to The Study of Uniqueness of Solutions in ODEs."