HU’s Alpha Chi chapter attends, presents at national conference
FOR RELEASE: Tuesday, April 9, 2013
HUNTINGTON, Ind. Five students from the Indiana Beta Chapter of Alpha Chi Honor Society at Huntington University presented at the Alpha Chi National Convention in Nashville during April 4-6.Twelve students and two sponsors attended in all.
Dan Binkoski, a senior entrepreneurial small business management, management and economics and finance triple major from Whitmore Lake, Mich., presented on "The Settlers of Catan: Four Player Strategy."
Alexandra Jones, a senior worship leadership major from La Moille, Ill., presented on "Worship Tried and True."
Jessica Krause, a senior psychology major from Waseca, Minn., presented on "International and American Students Acclimation to College: Based on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs."
Abby Madison, a senior English education major from Fort Wayne, Ind., presented on "A Framed Play: Kyd's The Spanish Tragedy." She was the runner-up for the Region V scholarship.
Andrew Wickersham, a junior history major from Huntington, Ind., presented on "Weimar Bavaria: Radicals and Reactionaries." He was also awarded the Region V scholarship.
Also attending the convention were Gina Boucouras, Hannah Hochstetler, Preston Hoobler, Sabi Rakhimova, Will Stauffer, Ali Strawhun and Abbey Wise.
The group brought more than 200 new children's books for the Alpha Chi Service Project with Reading is Fundamental. This was the largest single donation by any chapter to the project. The books were taken to an inner city Nashville school where they were given to the students. Several members of the Indiana Beta Chapter participated in the presentation and read to the students in small groups.
The group was accompanied by sponsors, Jean Michelson and Dr. Paul Michelson. Paul Michelson serves as Region V secretary-treasurer of Alpha Chi and as a member of the National Council of Alpha Chi.
The HU chapter was a nominee the year for the President's Cup as the outstanding chapter of Alpha Chi nationally. Additionally, it again received a Star Chapter award at this year's convention. The chapter is one of only four to win this award every year since it was first presented in 1996.
Officers of the Indiana Beta Chapter for 2012-2013 are President Abbey Wise, Vice President Preston Hoobler, Secretary Hannah Hochstetler and Treasurer Dan Binkoski. The sponsors of the chapter, in addition to the Michelsons, are Dr. Ann McPherren and Dr. Ruth Nalliah.