HU’s Visiting Executive Seminar to discuss technology’s daily life influence

Huntington University’s Visiting Executive Seminar brings together business leaders and HU business students to discuss important issues in today’s business world. The Visiting Executive Seminar on April 15, 2016 will examine the topic of, “What Am I Tending to Become?” The seminar will take place from 8:30 a.m. to noon in the Habecker Dining Commons on campus.
The seminar is led by Jim O’Donnell, executive-in residence / emeritus standing, and Troy Irick, assistant professor of business and economics and vice president of HU Ventures, Inc. They will guide participants through the review of two fascinating articles. The first, titled, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” was written by Nicholas Carr.
“The title alone is pregnant with one of the very provocative questions I hope we’ll explore,” said O’Donnell. “Our world is not only intrigued, delighted and fully connected to Google and our ‘devices;’ our world is addicted to them.”
The second article, “Good Work and Good Works: Of Magic and Machine,” was written by Jonathan Sands Wise.
“Suffice it to say, Jonathan is an old-fashioned philosopher,” O’Donnell said. “Much modern philosophy, like much of modern education, has abandoned the pursuit of eternal questions such as, ‘How then should wise people live?’ or ‘Why are we here?’ or ‘Where are we going?’ or ‘What is the highest purpose of education? or even ‘Should anything be expected of me?’ To the ilk of Jonathan Wise, life is still, fortunately, less about how much moola I might make or how big a house I will inhabit one day than about what kind of person I’m becoming; as well as realizing that without virtue, whatever one has or pursues is probably useless, unimportant or maybe even dangerous.”
The morning begins with a complimentary continental breakfast thanks to Myers Funeral Home. Attendees are invited to stay for an optional fellowship time over lunch, which is available for purchase, following the program. Attendance is free and open to the public, but reservations are required. RSVP online or by contacting Linda Schmitz at (260) 359-4042 or