Immigration and Migration

Huntington University’s Visiting Executive Seminar (VES) allows thinkers to consider and discuss dilemmas that impact today’s world visibly and invisibly. The spring VES on Friday, April 6, will examine the topic of immigration and migration.
The VES is orchestrated by James O’Donnell, Executive-in Residence/Emeritus Standing, and Troy Irick, Assistant Professor of Business and Vice President of HU Ventures, Inc. They will challenge those who attend with group discussion and the opportunity to wrestle with two diverse articles with thought-provoking perspectives. The first article comes from the pages of The New York Times. The writer, Ruchir Sharma, titled her article “To be Great Again, America Needs Immigrants.” The second article does not necessarily oppose Sharma, but takes a look at migration. This article is taken from The Wall Street Journal, and is titled, “In a Divided Nation of Big Cities and Small Towns, Caity Cronkhite Thought She Knew Where She Belonged.”
“Many of our best students, like good students everywhere, want to think deeply on what makes a ‘good world’ or at least a better one,” said O’Donnell. “I hope we will help each other think through the issues of immigration and migration.”
The VES will take place from 8:30 a.m. to noon at Huntington University’s Habecker Dining Commons. The morning begins with a complimentary continental breakfast provided by Myers Funeral Home. Attendees are invited to stay for an optional lunch, which is available for purchase, following the conclusion of the seminar. Attendance is free and open to the public, but reservations are required. RSVP by contacting Peg DeBolt to RSVP by email at or by phone at (260) 359-4068.