Philosophy in Peoria

The connection between Huntington University Arizona and the home campus in Huntington, Indiana, is strong. Dr. David Alexander, associate professor of philosophy at the Huntington University home campus, recently spent two weeks in Peoria teaching an Introduction to Philosophy course to HU Arizona students.
“My experience was both fascinating and enlightening as Dr. Alexander has a special way of making the subject matter both interesting and engaging,” stated Stephen Davis, students at HU Arizona. “His class has helped me self-reflect on my own life and the lessons learned from this course I will carry with me forever and hopefully have a chance to pass them along to others.”
The course was taught Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. Dr. Alexander had his students dive right in on the readings including, A Refutation of Moral Relativism, Dialogue on Personal Identity and Immorality, andGlittering Vices.
“This is the second time I have taught a two-week Introduction to Philosophy course to students at the Huntington University Arizona campus and I absolutely love it for multiple reasons. First, my wife and I are both from Phoenix, Arizona, and we both believe that it is the best city in the country. Secondly, the class size is perfect. We get to know each other during a 40+ hours together fairly well which results in free exchanges of ideas. Third, I love students. They are awesome,” said Dr. Alexander.
Dr. Alexander’s two week course in the West Valley continues a regular series of home campus faculty journeying to Arizona to teach core-related courses. Dr. Dwight Brautigam, professor of European History at the Huntington University home campus, has also spent time in Arizona.