Student award established in honor of retiring professors
Above, the Jones/Wetherbee Mathematics and Computer Science Award was established this year in honor of retiring professors, Dr. Francis Jones, left, and Dr. Winfield Wetherbee. |
Dr. Francis Jones |
Dr. Winfield Wetherbee |
HUNTINGTON, Ind.- In recognition of a combined 74 years of service to Huntington University, a student award has been named in honor of retiring professors, Dr. Francis Jones and Dr. Winfield Wetherbee.
The Jones/Wetherbee Mathematics and Computer Science Award has been established by faculty, staff, alumni and friends in recognition of Jones' and Wetherbee's service to the university. The award will be given to one student in the mathematics and computer science department each year. It will encourage the student to continue pursuing mathematics or computer science by supporting the purchase of mathematical software or other technology to assist in his or her academic pursuits.
"The award honors the teaching legacies and many departmental contributions of Dr. Jones and Dr. Wetherbee who have earned distinction for themselves and Huntington University through their teaching and inspiration to students, professional associations, scholarly endeavors and institutional service," said Dr. Ruth Nalliah, professor of chemistry.
Jones, professor of mathematical sciences and department chair, joined the faculty in 1971. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Huntington College and a Ph.D. in mathematics from Michigan State University.
Wetherbee, professor of mathematical sciences, joined the faculty in 1977. He received a Bachelor of Science degree from Wheaton College and a M.S. and Ph. D. in mathematics from Clarkson University.
The two were recognized during a reception on May 1.