Urschel, Heller, and Eilers attend conference
FOR RELEASE: Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Dr. Linda Urschel, professor of English, Dr. Jack Heller, assistant professor of English, and Dr. Kent Eilers, assistant professor of theology, attended the Christianity and Literature conference at Ft. Francis University from Sept. 22 to 24. Urschel presented a paper titled, "The Cowboy and the Combine: Teaching Salvation in One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest." Heller presented a paper titled, "'Make of it what you will': Miracles in Leif Enger's Peace Like a River," examining the problems of presenting miracles within a popular novel written by a Christian. And Eilers presented a paper titled, "Rowan Williams and the Gratuitous Mystery of Theology's Object," which explored the category of "mystery" in the theology of the Archbishop of Canterbury. His paper will be published next month in the journal "Christianity and Literature."