I am interested in…authentic Christianity.

Nicole Manges
"I am interested in..." series. Exploring ways you can translate your interests into college majors.

In this “I am interested in…” series, we are exploring ways you can translate your interests into college majors. 

You could make the argument that every Christian should be interested in authentic Christianity. That’s why courses in Bible and understanding the Christian faith are a part of our core curriculum for all undergraduates at Huntington University and why spiritual formation is an integral part of the HU experience. We also believe that professionals in any field can integrate their faith into their work. When you become a Christian and grow in your relationship with Christ, following Him becomes the core of your personal identity, and there should be no way to separate your Christianity from the rest of your authentic self.

This raises a very interesting question: What does authentic Christianity look like in everyday life?

Dr. Mark Fairchild, retired professor of Bible and religion, has described our need for biblical, authentic Christianity this way:

Today, 2,000 years after Christ, we find many forms of Christianity that share common elements, but still look quite different. The theology and practice of Christianity varies throughout the world, and even within this country, we have a wide variety of Christian beliefs and practices. To a certain extent, that is good. Christianity needs to be applied to the modern world in relevant ways. However, one cannot lose sight of the original understanding of Christianity.

The Scriptures give us an abundance of information regarding Christ and the church. The question is: How do we assemble this information as we practice the Christian faith in today’s world? If we lose track of the overarching plan, then we drift further from what it means to be truly Christian.

There is a cave on the slope of Bülbül Dağ, one of the mountains surrounding the ancient city of Ephesus. The cave was used as a Christian sacred site from as early as the first or second century. The cave was excavated by the Austrian Archaeological Institute. While examining the plastered walls in the cave, it became clear that the cave had been renovated numerous times. After removing several layers of plaster and paint, scholars discovered several frescoes of Paul and other biblical figures, along with inscriptions and graffiti. The portrait of Paul is one of the earliest representations of Paul ever found, but it never would have been found if biblical scholars and archaeologists had not peeled back several accumulated layers that covered the original pictures. Likewise, we need to peel back the accumulated layers of culture that conceal our understanding of Christ.

For those who are interested in digging deep into what it means to live life as an authentic Christian with a true understanding of Christ, there are entire majors built around biblical study and faith-based vocations.

Majors like philosophy and Bible and theology push you to dig deep into Scripture, Christian tradition, and convictions rooted in Truth and sound understanding.

Ministry-focused majors like these focus on equipping you to share the transformative power of the Gospel with people in your own neighborhood and around the world:

  • Children’s ministries
  • Christian ministries
  • Missions
  • Special needs ministry
  • Worship leadership
  • Youth ministries

If you are interested in authentic Christianity, consider how God could be calling you to a career that is focused on studying Him more and sharing Christ with others. Learn more about the majors available at Huntington University through the Institute for Christian Thought and Practice.

Bonus idea: Agribusiness is a major that empowers you to apply technical skills in agriculture to the mission field. Specialize your agribusiness degree in ministry and missions, then become an integral part of feeding and ministering to the world.

Written by
Nicole Manges