Canadas to Be Recognized as Distinguished Alumni

Huntington University and the HU Alumni Board are pleased to announce that the recipients of the 2023 Distinguished Alumnus Award are Mark and Charlene Canada. The Distinguished Alumnus Award is designed to recognize distinguished service or achievement over a longer period of time. The Canadas are members of the Class of 1980 and have devoted their lives to the betterment of others.
One nominator described the Canadas as “committed to international missions” and said that “they have demonstrated long and noteworthy service in The Great Commission, fidelity to the church and family, professional excellence, and boldness to break new ground in overseas missions’ support.”
But a life in the mission field wasn’t always the Canadas’ focus. In fact, Mark was a partner at a successful law firm for years before the couple packed up their life to answer the call that God had placed on their heart. They spent more than a decade in the mission field. In addition to their work on the front lines of ministry, the Canadas created Marketplace & Development Enterprises (MDE). MDE’s mission is “to provide mature believers with opportunities and resources that encourage and empower them to utilize their vocational or business skills and experience in the marketplaces of unreached communities for the purpose of disciple-making and church planting.”
The Canadas reside in the Indianapolis area and they have two adult children and three grandchildren.
The Canadas will receive this award during Huntington University’s 2023 Homecoming festivities. For more information, visit