Dalton Wins Barlow Book Prize and Frank Award

The Department of History and Political Science at Huntington University is pleased to announce that Alexis Dalton has received the Jack P. Barlow, Sr., History Book Prize and the Ron Frank Memorial Award for Outstanding Scholarship for the 2022-2023 academic year. The Barlow Prize is given to the highest-performing student in the department’s upper-level research- and writing-intensive courses, and the Frank Award is given to graduating seniors with exceptional overall academic records.
Dalton is from Marion, Indiana, and received her Bachelor of Arts degree summa cum laude in spring 2023 with a double major in political science and history.
In winning the Barlow Prize, Dalton was recognized by Dr. Tim Smith, professor of history, for her performance in the course Hindu Maharajahs and Buddhist Kings.
"Lexi dedicated herself to careful class preparation, which enabled her to contribute meaningfully to discussions,” said Smith. “She demonstrated great leadership in moving the class forward."
The Jack P. Barlow, Sr., Book Prize honors the memory of Professor Barlow, who served for over three decades as professor of American history at Huntington University. It confers a prize of academic books worth $250.
To receive the Ron Frank Memorial Award for Outstanding Scholarship, students must rank in the top ten percent of their class, signified by graduating with the University’s highest honors. The award confers a scholarship of $500 for postgraduate education. Dalton was also named Forester of the Year in political science at the annual Forester Night celebration.
The HU Department of History and Political Science program of prizes and awards are sponsored by the Ron Frank Fund, which encourages academic achievement and student participation at professional academic conferences. The fund was established in 1973 in honor of Ron Frank, a former student at Huntington University.