Foundation breakfast examines the vision for northeast Indiana
FOR RELEASE: Tuesday, January 24, 2012
HUNTINGTON, Ind. Vision 2020 has a goal to find and to create 21st century talent. Hear how 10 northeast Indiana counties are working together to build a better community during the Feb. 8 Foundation breakfast at Huntington University. During the breakfast, John Sampson, president and CEO of the Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership, will give an overview of Vision 2020 and its impact on Huntington County.
As president, Sampson directs the partnership's mission to generate business investment in the region. He actively supports collaborative relations with stakeholders, fosters regional communications and works to expand all channels of business development on behalf of the 10 county local economic development organizations of northeast Indiana.
Also at the breakfast, Kathleen Randolph, president and CEO of WorkOne Northeast and the interim director of the Questa Foundation for Education, will share how Questa assists students from northeast Indiana in furthering their education at Huntington University.
Questa offers qualified students up to 50 percent off their Questa Scholars loan if they graduate from college with a 2.75 GPA and choose to live and work in northeast Indiana for at least five years after graduation. Huntington then adds an additional 25 percent for HU students.
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The Foundation breakfast is open to the public. It will begin at 7:45 a.m. in the Habecker Dining Commons and conclude by 9 a.m. The cost of the breakfast is $7. First-time attendees eat free courtesy of Bailey-Love Mortuary.
The breakfast is held on the second Wednesday of every month during the school year. For more information, contact the Huntington University Foundation at 260-359-4069 or visit To be added to the mailing list, contact Barb Baker at 260-359-4069 or
Since 1938, the Huntington University Foundation has assisted Huntington County residents who attend Huntington University through the annual Huntington County Grant and endowed scholarships. The foundation also supports community arts events.