Foundation Breakfast to show progress of capital campaign
FOR RELEASE: Tuesday, March 27, 2012
HUNTINGTON, Ind. In 2010, Huntington University publically launched its Together: The Campaign for Huntington University. Last year, renovations through the capital campaign updated Becker Hall to house the digital media arts program including the addition of a film studio, editing labs and a viewing theater. The April 11 Foundation Breakfast will provide attendees with a tour of this unique space. The breakfast will begin in the main floor lobby and then the tour will continue on the second and third floors of Becker Hall where digital media arts professors Dr. Lance Clark and Steve Leeper will show samples of student work and answer any questions.
Through the Together campaign, renovations have been made to Becker Hall; a new Studio Art Center has been built; the University Fund and endowment has grown; and new bleachers have been installed in the Merillat Physical Education and Recreation Complex. This summer, the university will upgrade the exercise and weight-training areas of the MPERC. New physical fitness machines, including new strength training and cardio equipment, will be installed. The competition track will also be replaced, and improvements to the soccer complex, including a new press box and updated dugouts, will be made.
The Foundation breakfast is open to the public. It will begin at 7:45 a.m. in Becker Hall and conclude by 9 a.m. The cost of the breakfast is $5. First-time attendees eat free courtesy of Bailey-Love Mortuary.
The breakfast is held on the second Wednesday of every month during the school year. For more information, contact the Huntington University Foundation at 260-359-4069 or visit To be added to the mailing list, contact Barb Baker at 260-359-4069 or
Since 1938, the Huntington University Foundation has assisted Huntington County residents who attend Huntington University through the annual Huntington County Grant and endowed scholarships. The foundation also supports community arts events.