HU Women’s Auxiliary to host master gardener for spring breakfast
FOR RELEASE: Sunday, March 18, 2012
HUNTINGTON, Ind. Greg Sweetland, a Purdue University master gardener, will be the featured speaker for the Huntington University Women's Auxiliary Spring Breakfast at 9 a.m. April 14.His presentation, titled "Your 2012 Garden - Ready, Set, Grow!," will focus on flower, herb and vegetable gardening. It is designed for both experienced and new gardeners. He will address getting your garden ready for planting, planting seeds and plants, providing plants what they need to grow healthy and strong, and picking and cutting your flowers, herbs and vegetables. His strategies for gardening success and enjoyment will be shared. A question and answer period will follow the presentation.
The buffet breakfast will be held in the upper level of Huntington University's Habecker Dining Commons and will include music by the university Women's Ensemble, featuring eight young women singing barbershop quartet pieces, accompanied by Missi Wust.
The public is welcome. Reservations should be made by April 11 with Pat Jones at 260-359-4061 or Barbara Fetters at 260-672-8333 or The $7 fee is paid upon arrival.
The Huntington University Women's Auxiliary promotes dormitory comforts for students. This year the group has given $2,000 toward the upholstery of furniture for Roush and Wright hall lounges. Women across the nation and Canada contribute through the annual October Benefit Garage Sale on campus, contributory memberships, Homecoming Sale receipts and donations from Women's Ministries groups of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ.