Huntington University’s education programs nationally recognized
FOR RELEASE: Monday, March 19, 2012
HUNTINGTON, Ind. Several of Huntington University's education programs have received national recognition from NCATE, the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, and from the national professional associations which evaluate them. The programs recognized were elementary education, special education, math education, social studies education and physical education.
Although Huntington has been nationally accredited by NCATE since 1994, this is the first year that Huntington has applied for national recognition of individual programs.
"This is an acknowledgement of the quality of the programs that we offer at Huntington University," said Dr. Terrell Peace, professor of education and director of undergraduate teacher education. "This is a great honor for the university and for our students. Although not all programs were submitted for national recognition at this time, we are very pleased with the response to those that were."
Through Huntington's education department, HU offers dual licensure programs with elementary education in special education, teaching English learners and middle school education. Huntington also offers degrees in elementary education and secondary education in the areas of art, biology, chemistry, English, music, math, P.E. and social studies.