March Foundation Breakfast to discuss Huntington County economy

The Huntington University Foundation breakfast on Wednesday, March 8, will provide an economic update for the City of Huntington and its surrounding counties.
“I hope you can join us for this breakfast meeting to hear from several of our local leaders who will share about making Huntington the best version it can be for our city and our community,” stated Holly Sale, Foundation President.
Mark Wickersham, Executive Director of Huntington County Economic Development, will present an overview of economic development and facilitate a more comprehensive discussion led by Mayor Brooks Fetters and County Commissioner Tom Wall. Mayor Fetters will touch on the Regional Cities Initiative and Wall will expand on county economic development. Joining them will be Jerry Reid, Director of Operations for Continental Structural Plastics, who will share information concerning the company’s newest expansion and product line.
The March Foundation Breakfast will take place at the Habecker Dining Commons with breakfast beginning at 7:45 a.m. and the program starting at 8:00 a.m. and concluding by 9:00 a.m. The Foundation Breakfast is held on the second Wednesday of each month, October through May, and is open to the public. The cost of the breakfast is $10, a portion of which helps to support local area students attending HU through the Huntington County Grant. First-time attendees eat free courtesy of Bailey-Love Mortuary.
RSVPs are requested for the breakfast but not required. For more information, contact Barb Baker at (260) 359-4069 or RSVP ONLINE!
Since 1938, the Huntington University Foundation has assisted Huntington County residents who attend Huntington University through the annual Huntington County Grant and endowed scholarships. Learn more about the foundation’s history and ways to support its goals on the HU website.