O’Donnell and Irick to lead seminar on national debt

Huntington University’s Visiting Executive Seminar (VES) brings together business leaders and HU business students to discuss important issues in today’s world. The Visiting Executive Seminar on March 24 will examine the topic of our national debt.
The VES is led by James O’Donnell, Executive-in Residence/Emeritus Standing, and Troy Irick, Assistant Professor of Business and Vice President of HU Ventures, Inc. They will guide participants through two articles and group discussions. The first article is titled “The U.S. Government’s $19 Trillion Debt Isn’t a Problem” and the second is “Why $19 Trillion in Debt is a Problem.”
“Our discussion will focus on two points of view of our national debt. I hope our time gives serious consideration to both sides of this important issue,” stated James O’Donnell. “My hope is that all will see this issue as important in the moral and intellectual development of Christians’ lives, young and old.”
The VES will take place from 8:30 a.m. to noon at Huntington University’s Habecker Dining Commons. The morning begins with a complimentary continental breakfast provided by Myers Funeral Home. Attendees are invited to stay for an optional lunch, which is available for purchase, following the conclusion of the seminar. Attendance is free and open to the public, but reservations are required.